Saturday, September 27, 2008

OH YAR THE COTF...!!!!!!
Transporter Room from Star Trek.
I hope the COTF has this... then no need to take bus or train....

I just wanna say i wish my house was like COTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's like Star Trek come to life!!!! (minus the transporter room and the holo-deck, but what the heck!?)

It UMPC was really working like a tricorder which seemed to let me control and "connect" to everything around me. I love it!

But the UMPC would really be more useful if its smaller though. I'll look weird walking around with it, and I think I'll cry if i dropped it. Ugh...

Here's the MOE link to COTF if u wanna undertand more about it again,

p/s: I won't want to be tracked to see if I did my homework....

Friday, September 26, 2008

Second Life in Education - A Peek...

I guess this would be one video everyone would have found but it sure gives us a good insight into what future second life might lead to!~

I suppose that if it's really as awesome as it seems, it will get alot of us sucked straight into the world of second life. I still feel that it is a double-edged sword though. Cos we won't know if we are opening up a can of sardines or a can of worms. But the ability to go so many places at a touch of a mouse is incredible.

Question... will we lose touch with reality? We watched the Matrix and we've seen that with extremely advanced technology, will the things we touch, smell, see and hear be just "wool pulled over our eyes?" (quoted from Morpheus in the Matrix) We'll need to be able to discern between what's real and what's fiction. Learning is fun but is it the truth? With the internet, there is an ever increasing need to verify the validity of the information posted there. Even though Wikipedia is an ever growing vault of knowledge, it is not 100% accurate. So is there a possibility that we what we learn is not what really is?

Gosh... that's a whole chunk of stuff that I've rattled on about...

And as put up in my previous post, I think it's worth looking at this blog

In addition this is a little slideshow i got off the above website to summarize what they have been working on!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Quick Intro to Second Life

This is a quick insight into Second Life!!! Duran Duran's in Second Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Havard's actually got a campus on second life!!!

Ohhhh and here's a sight on edcational events found in second life!

Enjoy the video!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Gaming... Serious Gaming... Seriously?

Check this out peeps. Some Insight onto what we've been talking about...

Serious Games

Consolarium on BBC News - Gaming in Education

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gaming in Education, Education through Gaming

I feel that incorporating gaming in education is a novel and fresh way of approaching the lesson. The fact that my group and I found this week's activities more fun since I could play games instead of racking my brains to enter stuff into the wiki at the "wiki-station" is testament to the fact that most of us would rather play then use our brain to deal with doing reports.

By providing this new platform from which the curriculum is taught, we attempt to change not only the student's perception of studying as something that takes up their play-time, but the public's opinion of gaming as something that takes up the kids' study-time. To marry both, would be a dream come through for teachers, parents and kids as everyone wins.

Jus like a trainee pilot trains for his first flight in a simulator, a student can attempt to apply what he or she has learned in the game. The opportunity cost of making a wrong decision, is simply to "die" or "fail", only to rise again to try the same activity over and over again until it is perfected. Nothing is lost and plenty of experience is gained, honing the child's abilities, strengthening their wings for the real world.

How to choose and use appropriate computer games in the classroom

The are of course minor points to look at in the use of computer games in the classrooms. I've gone to three stations so far and to be honest, I only like 2 of the games I've played. Everyone has his or her preferences, the reason why there's so many genres of games available. With such a wide spectrum to choose from, it is essential that we choose the right games for our kids. This will not only affect how receptive they are to the lesson via the game, but also how much information they are actually able to internalise from playin. That is, if they decide to play the game at all.

From the article, we see several issues raised regarding the use of gaming. I believe we have covered alot of this in our discussions. So I would just like to propose the set of keywords to look out for when selecting games for educational purpose:

  1. Relevance - Is the game in line with the curriculum to be taught?
  2. Cost - No money no talk. Enough said.
  3. Ease of setting up - Does it take up half a room just to set up a system to play?
  4. Appeal - No one is going to even want to play your game if it's not to their liking?
  5. Suitability - Is the game for the right age group?
  6. Ease of Play - Is it too simple of too complex? No on wants to play something that is too difficult to complete. Kids want to win.